Full notes do not exist for this meeting, this is based on the pre-meeting informaton
Following a site visit to view some award-winning underplanting work undertaken in East Anglia by our FC colleagues we decided to experiment with regenerating a stand of Dothistroma infected Corsican Pine. The results were good enough to warrant further experiments on a larger scale the following year. During this time Gary Kerr and Jens Haufe, Forest Research, published a Practice Guide on underplanting which helped to guide our experiments with underplanting. This approach contrasts with a traditional clearfell-restock model. The sites visited are in the early stages of establishment but there are some obvious conclusions that can be drawn. Overall this site provides some interesting talking points about regeneration of productive conifer plantations, also a mixture of traditional and alternative species have been used.
Wessex Silvicultural Group: Notes from previous meetings can be found here.