Full notes do not exist for this meeting, this is based on the pre-meeting informaton
Cirencester Park woodlands, extending to some 10 sq. km, are the largest block of woodlands on the Cotswolds and lie within the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The Bathurst Estate woodlands total approximately 1403 hectares; with some 62 hectares of this being open ground.
The first Lord Bathurst, assisted by Alexander Pope, began to layout the park and woods as they are seen today, in about 1714, and upon completion had established some 1300 hectares of woodlands, rides and open spaces to the grand design we see today. The woods are well known and are listed by English Heritage as Grade 1 Parks and Gardens.
A special feature is the spectacular Broad Ride running from Cecily Hill on the edge of Cirencester, through Oakley wood, to beyond the village of Sapperton – a distance of 8 kms. It includes two great ‘Rondes Points’, one at Seven Rides and the other at Ten Rides, where Cirencester Church tower may be seen, some 6 km to the east. These rides are now designated as Key Wildlife Sites. - KWS- In conjunction of implementing the new Woodland Plan and Higher Tier grant structure there is the opportunity to improve the rides for their Historical and Wildlife benefits.
On our visit we will have the opportunity to have with us key personnel who have contributed to the structure of the Ride Management Plan and Historical Conservation Plan. We will look at Veteran trees, Key Wildlife Sites and how the management of the woodlands include the habitats for the Pearl Bordered Fritillary and one of the best sites in the UK for Autumn Crocus and wide range of Orchid.
Wessex Silvicultural Group: Notes from previous meetings can be found here.