Chairman Mark Gurowich Secretary Ian Briscoe Forestry CommissionSW England Bullers Hill, KennfordExeter EX6 7XR +44 (0)300 067 5549 (South West England Area Office) +44 (0)300 067 5844 (direct) +44 (0)7831 732239 (mobile) membership is £15, and corporate membership is currently £120. We will only send full details of meetings to paid-up members. If you wish to receive these or attend meetings this year please pay in one of the ways below.
The group holds Annual General Meetings. Please see the past minutes.
By cheques made payable to ‘Wessex Silvicultural Group’, sent to Ian Briscoe at the address on this page.
Existing corporate members will be sent an invoice. New corporate members should contact Ian.
Payment may also be paid by BACS.
Bank details: Lloyds TSB Branch: 64 Fore Street, Trowbridge, Wilts, BA14 8EU Sort Code: 30-98-75 Account No: 00332302
Please confirm BACS payments to
Web Site Nick Hoare Tel. 01747 445004